Merc Scholarship

Posted in Plymouth High School

Scholarship Criteria:

The purpose of this scholarship is to provide a non-renewable scholarship to a male student athlete from Plymouth High School.

The scholarship must be used toward a vocational or technical school or an accredited college or university.

The applicant must have a grade point average of 2.0 or higher and must have earned an athletic varsity letter as either a manager or athlete. Athletic performance is not a determining factor, however, the applicant must show a strong interest in athletics.

The application will require the submission of a letter of recommendation from a Plymouth High School teacher or coach outlining the applicant’s qualifications. Because Mike Mercer was a person that served others, a minimum 200 word essay must be submitted to demonstrate how the applicant served others while attending Plymouth High School and how the applicant plans to continue serving others in the future.

Students can apply here: