Michael Paul Haag Family 4-H Beef Scholarship

The Michael Haag 4-H Beef Scholarship Program will provide funding for one scholarship per year to a 10 year 4-H Beef member of Marshall County. The program will provide one scholarship for $500 to an applicant that he or she furthers their education for post secondary education.  This can include a four-year institution, two-year institution and vocational trade and/or technical school. The applicant will be selected by the committee appointed by the Michael Haag family, which will include at least one member of the Michael Haag family, one member of the Marshall County Beef Committee, and the acting Beef Superintendent of Marshall County.   


1)  The applicant must be a 10 year 4-H Beef member of Marshall County.

2)  The applicant must be a graduate of an Indiana state accredited high school. 

3)  The applicant must be accepted as a full time student to a four-year college, two-year college, vocational trade school and/or a technical school.
