Supporting Immediate Needs in Marshall County  

The seventh and eighth rounds of COVID-19 Rapid Response grants were awarded June 18-25, 2020, to organizations providing food, housing and utility assistance to households impacted by COVID-19. United Way, in partnership with the Marshall County Community Foundation, is working with a network of businesses, educators, faith-based and disaster relief organizations, nonprofits, and volunteers to address immediate and urgent needs. Total grant awards to date are $80,663.

Organizations that received seventh and eighth round COVID-19 Rapid Response grants –

  • Marshall County Diversity and Inclusion Committee
  • Link to Hope

The Marshall County Diversity and Inclusion Committee received funding to create a Spanish language website to serve as a resource to our Latinx community. This website will allow for information regarding food security, housing, and utilities assistance  to be more readily accessible for all Marshall County residents. Link to Hope also received funding to provide housing and utility assistance.

The first round of COVID-19 Rapid Response grants from the Marshall County COVID-19 Community Response and Recovery Fund at the United Way were awarded April 10, 2020.

Organizations that are working to address immediate needs of households impacted by COVID-19 may apply online for a Rapid Response Grant at by clicking on the “COVID-19 Rapid Response Grant Application” button at the top and bottom of the page. Rapid Response Grant applications to help nonprofits meet safety and health guidelines so they may continue to offer their services and support to the community are eligible.

Individuals looking for assistance may visit the United Way COVID-19 Resource List ( for updates on Marshall County food panty hours.  Call 211 or search for questions regarding food, childcare, housing and utility assistance, and mental health services. 2-1-1 is a free and confidential service that helps Hoosiers find the local resources they need. Dial 2-1-1 to connect with a trained navigator, 24/7/365. Call the United Way of Marshall County at 574.999.8900 to learn more about local resources and assistance available to households impacted by COVID-19.

The United Way of Marshall County and Marshall County Community Foundation – working in partnership for COVID-19 response and recovery – encourage individuals, businesses and organizations to donate to help address immediate needs due to the COVID-19 pandemic at Visit to learn more about the Foundation’s unique role in COVID-19 response and recovery work.


Supporting Immediate Needs in Marshall County  

The sixth round of COVID-19 Rapid Response grants were awarded June 13, 2020, to organizations providing food, housing and utility assistance to households impacted by COVID-19. United Way, in partnership with the Marshall County Community Foundation, is working with a network of businesses, educators, faith-based and disaster relief organizations, nonprofits, and volunteers to address immediate and urgent needs. Total grant awards to date are $66,263.

Organizations that received sixth round COVID-19 Rapid Response grants –

  • Blessings in a Backpack – Plymouth
  • Blessings in a Backpack – Walkerton
  • Oakhaven Community


Supporting Immediate Needs in Marshall County  

The fourth round of COVID-19 Rapid Response grants were awarded May 14, 2020, to organizations providing food, housing and utility assistance to households impacted by COVID-19. United Way, in partnership with the Marshall County Community Foundation, is working with a network of businesses, educators, faith-based and disaster relief organizations, nonprofits, and volunteers to address immediate and urgent needs. Total grant awards to date are $54,633.

Organizations that received fourth round COVID-19 Rapid Response grants –

  • David’s Courage
  • Link to Hope


Supporting Immediate Needs in Marshall County

The third round of COVID-19 Rapid Response grants were awarded May 1, 2020, to organizations providing food, housing and utility assistance to households impacted by COVID-19. United Way, in partnership with the Marshall County Community Foundation, is working with a network of businesses, educators, faith-based and disaster relief organizations, nonprofits, and volunteers to address immediate and urgent needs. Total grant awards to date are $41,633.

Marshall County COVID-19 Response Phase 1 Grants

Food pantries, housing and utility assistance response focus  

The first of Phase 1 grants from the Marshall County COVID-19 Community Response and Recovery Fund at the United Way of Marshall County were awarded April 10, 2020, to food pantries and organizations providing housing and utility assistance to families and individuals impacted by COVID-19.

Donation Match Day to be Held March 12

Nonprofits and neighbors rally to raise funds to support Marshall County

The Marshall County Community Foundation (MCCF) is proud to announce the next big giving opportunity: Match Madness. On Thursday, March 12, donations made to the MCCF Community Fund will be tripled with the Lilly Endowment GIFT VII 2:1 Match and an additional 20% match will be added to contributions made to eligible permanent endowment funds held at the Foundation. 


Building support for students wishing to go into construction
The Marshall County Builders Association has created a new scholarship at the Marshall County Community Foundation (MCCF). “Our goal with this new scholarship is to provide assistance to students that desire a career in the construction trades and pursuing an education to do so,” said Matthew Podlesak, President of the Marshall Count Builders Association (MCBA) and owner of Colorbilt Painting LLC


Lilly Endowment GIFT VII 2:1 Match Triples Their Gift!

The Marshall County Community Foundation (MCCF) is visiting service groups, businesses, nonprofits, and individual donors to talk about the incredible opportunity for Marshall County presented via the Lilly Endowment Gift VII 2:1 Match.

“We Red Hats, we believe in giving back to our community,” said Janice Joan Davis, Queen of the Angels in Red chapter of the Red Hat Society. “One of our members, Noreen Rupchock, told us about the impact our gifts could have throughout Marshall County. We were excited to hear more about this match!”

Marshall County Community Foundation Announces Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship Applications

Interested Students Must Apply by Monday, September 9

The Marshall County Community Foundation (MCCF) is pleased to announce that applications for the 2020 Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship are now available.  Interested high school seniors who are Marshall County residents should contact their guidance office, the MCCF at 574- 935-5159, or go online to for an application. The award provides a four-year full-tuition scholarship to an accredited public or private nonprofit college or university in Indiana.

Bowen Family Medical Scholarship Awarded

Scholarship Encourages Future Physicians to Practice in Rural Communities 

Today, Carol Bowen, Dr. Joel Schumacher, a family medicine doctor based in Plymouth, and Linda Yoder, Executive Director of the Marshall County Community Foundation, proudly presented Olivia Neese with the 2019 Bowen Family Medical Scholarship. Neese is currently attending medical school at the Indiana University School of Medicine – Terre Haute. 

South Bend - Elkhart Region awarded transformational Lilly Endowment grant to accelerate regional innovation and workforce and economic development

The University of Notre Dame announced Friday (April 26) a $42.4 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. to form the Labs for Industry Futures and Transformation (LIFT) Network, which will enhance and link cutting-edge expertise, technologies, workforce development programs and innovation-based facilities throughout the broader South Bend - Elkhart region -- including Elkhart, Marshall and Saint Joseph Counties.